About Us
Welcome to Lost Appalachia Trading Company!
We were born in the Appalachian Mountains out of a desire to share quality goods that capture a bit of the spirit, natural beauty and the history of the mountains we call home.
Lost Appalachia is a nod to things past; wildlife no longer found here like the wolf of our logo, forgotten towns reclaimed by the forest, and cultures that have faded into the hills. It's also a call to action to go out and explore our mountains and enjoy all they have to offer.
Our home base is West Virginia, but we consider the entirety of the Appalachian Mountains our back yard. So while we may seem a little biased toward our Wild and Wonderful state, our brand aims to be a reflection of the entire Appalachian region.
Whenever we can, we source products within the Appalachias. When we have to look elsewhere, it's because we've found a quality product we're eager to share. Everything that leaves our shop is something we'd own ourselves.
We invite you to be part of our adventure as we grow.
So until next time...
Get Lost in the Mountains!
Are you a manufacturer, artisan, or craftsmen located in the Appalachian Mountains and think your products might be a good fit for Lost Appalachia? We'd love to hear from you! Contact us at hello@lostappalachia.com